Thursday, November 6, 2014

Just my luck!!!

Hello, Hello, Hello

I wanted to keep you all up to date with what I have been doing and what I have been sourcing.  Well for the last 2 days I haven't sourced much of anything because I am dealing with my severe sinus issues, which had me bed ridden since Monday.  I am not quite a 100% but I am feeling better than I felt the first few days.  Well needless to say I wasn't about to spend another day in the house so I pulled myself together and got out the house.  Well of course you all know I headed to my favorite spot the Thrift Store and boy oh boy did I score!

Get right down to it.  I sourced a Spartina 449 Linen and Leather crossbody bag for $5 which I will probably list for $75 with BO.  A M Missoni Chevron Top which I paid $1.25 and it sells for around $59 -$129 definitely excited about that.  A vintage dress by Wenjilli which sells for up to $250, and I paid $2.45 for it.  But last and certainly not least I lucked up on this Escada 100% Royal Cashmere Blazer and I paid $5 for it.......

This definitely made up for my down time. 
I purchased this LL Bean Tote Purse about a week ago and I paid $3.50 decided to start the bid at $59.99 and I have 1 bid and 7 watchers so I am curious to see if this could go higher or remain where it is.  Either way it is a great turn around of profit if it only sells for $59.99. 
Hope that you all have a great evening and as always Happy Thrifting!!!!


  1. Hi there, Thrifting Queen! I just found your blog. It's great to see you list all your great clothing labels since I am pretty clueless. I have sold a lot of vintage toys in the past on eBay but want to venture into clothing now. I'll be back!

  2. Isabella, well thank you and I am glad that you found my blog. Yes please continue to follow me as I will be posting more of my finds.
